Friday, 27 May 2016

eNews Issue 37

Between the Hot Cocoa House and the Art Show, the school was buzzing today with artistic expression. The Hot Cocoa House never ceases to amaze me; our students are truly remarkable in their gifts and how they share them. The student leadership involved in the Cocoa House is also always impressive; the kids take on a lot of responsibility for making the morning a success. Thanks to everyone for supporting our students as they learn, grow and understand!

At HKA, a big part of how we think about learning, growing and understanding has to do with how we engage in responsible action both locally and globally. We want students to understand concepts of global citizenship as they apply to them as individuals. We are all leaders in our own way, and it’s important to define leadership broadly to encompass our own strengths and interests. With that in mind, HKA has become a member of the Global Citizenship Diploma programme, Programme co-ordinator Damian Pitter was with us from Yokohama International School to talk with Secondary School students and parents about the opportunities the GCD facilitates. I’m looking forward to sharing stories with you as it evolves.

And I hope many of you were able to enjoy the wonderful visual arts showcase around campus. Our students create exceptional and thought-provoking work!

Friday, 20 May 2016

eNews Issue 36

The end of the year is a good time to reflect on highlights from the previous months and be grateful! We have a tradition at HKA of thanking volunteers at an annual breakfast, and I am delighted to invite you to join us for light fare on Tuesday, 7th June at 8:30am in Room 319. I promise no long speeches except to say thank you for your ongoing support of the school and to offer you a token of our appreciation. Please rsvp online by Friday, 3rd June.

We truly benefitted from parent volunteers this week as we made the decision to take our food service in house next year by engaging Zest as our caterer. A task force comprised of parents provided valuable insights and feedback, and we thank you for being an essential part of this process.

We held the school’s Annual General Meeting this week. For those of you who were not able to join us, you may find copies of the school’s audited financial report and annual report on our website.

Friday, 13 May 2016

eNews Issue 35

Dear Hong Kong Academy Community,

The Grade 5 Exhibition is certainly a highlight for the Grade 5s and the Primary School. It’s also a highlight for the entire school as we enjoy learning from these dedicated students about issues that matter to them. The photos say it all: eager Grade 5 students sharing their knowledge with peers, other students, parents and other adults. The Grade 5 Exhibition demonstrates rigorous learning. It also reminds us of the joy of learning together. Congratulations to the students, and many thanks to their teachers and the exhibition mentors. This year, we expanded the mentor team to include Secondary Students from the GIN team. Having more student leadership involved was a great addition to the process!
And in more good news: we’ve reached the top! With the success of last Saturday’s Rocktail Party and bowl for the goal, we have surpassed our goal of HK$1 Million for the school’s first ever annual fund effort. And more importantly than the funds raised, support for the effort has been extraordinary, with well over half of our families contributing time, talent and treasure to this effort. Thank you to everyone for your support! With a few weeks left in the school year, we’ll see by how much farther we can go beyond our goal.

Friday, 6 May 2016

eNews Issue 34

We know the end of the school year is nearly upon us when our Grade 12s are taking their IB exams. These exams represent the culmination of a demanding and also exciting learning experience. HKA is an International Baccalaureate school for enduring reasons. We value the learner profile and the IB’s emphasis on inquiry-based learning. We all know that there are fads in education, just as in everything else, but we also know that the core values and practices inherent in the IB are ones that will remain relevant for students far into the future.

Who of us really has any idea what students will need to know in 10, 20, 30 years? The smartphones we carry around with us are themselves only about a decade old! What we do know is that students who are flexible, resilient and open-minded will be able to respond effectively to new knowledge and new challenges. We know that students with grit will succeed in challenging environments. We know that empathetic students will have quality relationships with their peers.

We wish our Grade 12s well with their exams, knowing full well that exams only tell part of the story. We’re proud of all of our students for the people they are, not just the students they are in the classroom.