Friday 4 September 2015

eNews Issue 4

The word community is embedded in the word communication and for good reason. In order to be a community together, we need to be talking to one another! At HKA, we strive to offer effective communications with the eNews, our school magazine HKAVoices and other messaging throughout the week and the year. We try hard to keep the balance right by sending enough information to keep you apprised of important happenings but not so much that it constitutes what we’ve heard referred to as “death by email.”

Family-to-family communication is also key to a dynamic learning community. Our main resource for family communication is the Directory in Veracross. As a school, we must comply with Hong Kong law governing how personal data can be shared. On a practical level, this means that we can not make public an exhaustive directory on our own. We highly recommend that families make their addresses and phone numbers available in Veracross to facilitate social gatherings in get-togethers. And please remember: in order for your information to be visible, you can edit your 'Directory Preferences' under 'My Family'.

Relatedly, teachers are not able to share information about students’ addresses and phone numbers. Similarly, class/grade parents can only view what is available to all parents in Veracross.

If you are having difficulty updating your household information or making sure that your information is not suppressed, please contact the IT department at The IT team will be more than happy to assist you!

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